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User-Centred Systems Design

- A process with focus on users and usability

Jan Gulliksen & Bengt Göransson

Published by StudentlitteraturLink will open in a new window

(The book is only available in Swedish, but we are working on an English version)

This is an one page summary of the book. More will be available in English later on.

Users need IT-support that is appropriate, efficient and adapted to the work task. Usability as a quality of its own is a success factor. This is something that receives growing awareness and attention from companies to the extent that they now start to hire experts to specifically focus on usability. Despite of this the usability maturity within organisations and companies is still embarrassingly low and the needs for knowledge and experience is evident.

Personer som diskuterar en prototyp This book This book will give the reader a perspective on what a usable IT system is and describe how one practically can perform development work according to a user-centred approach. Focus is on the user-centred development process. The authors present a number of key principles that constitutes the basis for all user-centred systems design. The following topics are covered: the concept of usability, user-centred systems design as a process, iterative development, user and task analysis, cooperative design, prototypes, evaluation methods, usability in commercial systems development processes, standards for user-centred systems design, advice on user participation, the role of the usability designer, organisation of usability work, multidisciplinary cooperation, usability goals/requirements and integrated design.

The book The book is written for all stakeholders of a systems development project. Everybody from procurers of IT systems to development organisations should benefit from reading the book. It also aims at students who want deeper knowledge and more practicable guidance on how to perform user-centred systems design.

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